Events Diary

Guided walk at Minsmere (5 spaces)

Thursday 3rd October 9.30am – 4pm Minsmere RSPB
(£25 per person + £9 reserve entry or bring RSPB membership card). Meet in the reserve car park. TM473672. IP17 3BY. The plan is to do the coast circuit (c2 miles), have lunch and then the Island Mere circuit (c2 miles). Please bring a packed lunch.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: waders (may include scarcer species such as ruff, spotted redshank, little stint, curlew sandpiper), marsh harrier, bearded tit, treecreeper and marsh tit in the woodland, skuas and shearwaters may be passing offshore, rarities are possible (eg red backed shrike and pectoral sandpiper).
Booking in advance is essential please.