Events Diary

Guided walk at Flatford (FULLY BOOKED)

Tuesday 21st May 10am – 12.30pm Flatford
(£12 per person). Meet in the National Trust car park (£5 in coins or bring NT membership card for free parking). CO7 6UL. Flatford is well signposted from the B1070 in East Bergholt, then follow the one-way system to the car park. There’s the option to stay on for lunch in the tearooms after the walk. This will be more of a general wildlife walk in Constable country; and there are several inclines to negotiate!
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: warblers (eg blackcap, chiffchaff, Cetti’s, reed, sedge) common buzzard, grey wagtail, swallow, cuckoo; butterflies, solitary bees, dragonflies, wildflowers.
Booking in advance is essential please.